Saturday, January 26, 2008

Welcome to After-Market Education

What is After-Market Education?

After-market education – as the name implies – is an education of the sort not found in secondary school nor in many colleges, but is the collection of interpreted wisdom from life, knowledge, experience…and a lengthy education.

It is not a truncated version of the college career that you may have missed having (or may have missed due to alcohol-induced slumber). Consider it more a collection of insights, granted, many of which were formed in college. This has some to do with the progression of age, but more to do with the environment (which taught me just as much of how not to be, act, and think as it did how do be, act, and think).

In other words, think of these blogs as a supplemental guide in trying to figure out contemporary world culture, particularly western culture. You’ll draw your own conclusions and make up your own mind as to which facets you’ll believe and which you’ll completely discredit for fear of shaking your belief system, perhaps, or because you simply aren’t buying what I’m selling. This is fine. If you believed everything I wrote, you probably wouldn’t be thinking for yourself very well.

Let this be your travel guide as you discover what life unfolds (or what you choose to have unfold). If you would rather consider what this book is than let us call it a tool for filtering out the noise of contemporary life so that more productive thoughts can occur and more fulfilling paths may be taken.

I'll be addressing a number of subjects, but none relegated to contemporary media stories or pop-trends (though these are certainly fair game). This will be more of an exercise in collective interpretation, not regurgitation.

I welcome feedback as the posts roll in, which should be weekly if all goes according to plan.

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